
Jancis Robinson | Oktober 2018


18,5 Punkte 2017 IM SONNENSCHEIN Riesling GG
"Opulence can win competitions; but vibrancy wins hearts, noses and palates. The first thing that strikes you is the freshness of its fragrance - a perfect mix of local fruit and garden herbs. A little less abundant in its sweet generosity on the palate than its Rebholz siblings. It allows acidity and minerality a look-in, which makes it that little bit more interesting." (MS)

18+ Punkte 2017 GANZ HORN Riesling GG
"It's an old cliché that sometimes less can be more. I find the relative delicacy of citrus and stone fruit sprinkled with a dusting of Herbes de Provence marginally preferable to some of Rebholz's more powerful Grosse Gewächse. Even in its sweetness it is a little gentler." (MS)

18 Punkte 2017 KASTANIENBUSCH Riesling GG
"The 2016 earned some rave reviews from top German wine guides and the 2017 matches its predecessor in terms of generosity of luscious fruit and profound herbal expression. With such incredible extract one hardly dares ask whether it needs to be quite so sweet."(MS)